Cathi Mole

Equip Empower Encourage

Cathi Mole and her husband Rory have been involved in Prophetic Ministry for the past 34 years and have 2 married children, Kelly and Matthew. Cathi’s ministry to women has expanded to other parts of South Africa, Australia and Europe. The emphasis of her ministry is to impart an understanding of the goodness of God which brings people into a healthy sense of identity.

This is my Latest Book

The Transforming Kingdom

There are greater things coming for the Church. God always prepares His people first so that we are equipped and ready for what He sends. What God has ordained to happen in a “kairos time” has already been set in motion. We can’t do this next season without His help. The only way the greater glory will be seen upon us is when we accept the invitation to partner with Him. It’s freeing to know that you don’t become less when He becomes more. You become all you are called to be because He is with you. You are the new wineskin ready to contain His new wine. Your yes is where the miracles are birthed. Get ready for the more.

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